We don't despise the day of small beginnings as this school vision the Lord has given Pastor John Omondi unfolds. There is progress and thanksgiving for all that God has done and for the help and support of others that have sown along the way into this vision of this Destiny Early Child Development Center.
We rejoice that there is now electricity to the compound, and the ministry is requesting prayer for the need for a laptop and photocopier. This will enable them in their storage of school information as well as typesetting and printing exams and more needed copies of school materials for the children.
Please consider a gift towards this need and help create a brighter future for these Kingdom children. God richly bless you as you sow your seed and wish this Pastor well in his journey and God-vision.
Well-wishers that would like to sow or give into this project can
give directly to Pastor John through his Mpesa wallet through
WorldRemit, Moneygram, or other international apps.
His info is: John Ocholla
phone #: +254 720441762
Contact Pastor John at jonomondi@yahoo.com
Follow this ministry on Facebook - Nyarombe Destiny Kids